The College of Physicians of Philadelphia Digital Library

Cognitione de muscoli del corpo humano, Carlo Cesi

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Cognitione de muscoli del corpo humano, Carlo Cesi


Cognitione de muscoli del corpo humano, Carlo Cesi's collection of anatomic engravings for artists, was first published in Rome in 1679. Containing 16 illustrations in total, the work focuses on muscle anatomy with several stylistically posed muscle manikins, and two plates of skeletons. This extremely rare edition was published in 1730, after Cesi's death. Cesi was a 17th century Italian painter and engraver of some renown.

Cesi, Carlo, 1626-1686. Cognitione de muscoli del corpo humano (In Roma : da Vicenzo Billy, 1730)

ZAo 13b (Historical Medical Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia)

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